Household Net Worth by Quintile, ’62-’09 (Be Prepared to Scroll)

Source (PDF).






6 responses to “Household Net Worth by Quintile, ’62-’09 (Be Prepared to Scroll)”

  1. […] If it weren’t for inflation, nobody would invest in real assets, and the rich really would own everything (instead of almost everything). […]

  2. horn Avatar

    Most of the data from the source is wrong, except for when they directly quote [and not massage] the data from the Fed’s FoF report [or other Fed sources], issued Qtly.


    ‘Most noticeably, median incomes moved higher for retirees and other nonworking families. … The decline in mean income was even more widespread than the decline
    in median income, with virtually all demographic groups experiencing a decline between
    2007 and 2010; the decline in the mean was most pronounced in the top 10 percent of the income distribution and for higher education or wealth groups.’

  3. horn Avatar

    Avg Net Worth change 2007-2010 — {ibid}

    Lowest quintile +5.9% [plus 5.9 percent]
    2nd Lowest: -9.5%

    Middle quintile: -9.55%
    2nd highest: -25.4%

    80-89.9% decile: -11.2%
    90-100% decile: -15.3% [minus 15.3%]

    Using the Fed’s actual data, instead of…imputed + massaged guesstimates gives you a different answer.

  4. […] looking for an explanation of that, you probably don’t have to look much farther than the spectacular concentration of wealth over the last three decades. Rich people spend a smaller proportion of their wealth each year than poorer people. So if wealth […]

  5. […] looking for an explanation of that, you probably don’t have to look much farther than the spectacular concentration of wealth over the last three decades. Rich people spend a smaller proportion of their wealth each year than poorer people. So if wealth […]