How’s That Confidence Fairy Thingy Workin’ Out for Youse Guys?


Dow down more than 400 points as market plunge continues –







6 responses to “How’s That Confidence Fairy Thingy Workin’ Out for Youse Guys?”

  1. Greg Avatar

    Thank God Boehner only got 98% of what he wanted!

  2. Ted K Avatar

    No need to worry about these horrid looking graphs and numbers Mr. Roth gives. Rick Perry is leading his pretentious, self-righteous, theatrical prayer conference for Tea Party wackos, Glen Beck fans and those hooked up to the FOX/Murdoch matrix. Why look here, Governor Perry even invited the “token black” desperate for face time.,0,6765309.story
    Brings back sweet memories of Colin Powell being called up to “W” Bush’s porch give the UN security council speech. Rumsfeld and Cheney must get the giggles when they think of how they talked Powell into coming to the boss man’s porch to give that speech to this day. Which sticks in General Powell’s craw to this day (which it should stick in his craw, because he was a damned FOOL to give that speech). Powell is not useful to Republicans anymore and you see how Republicans treat him.
    If I was Herman Cain, I’d watch my back when I’m no longer useful as the token at the side of the Republican debate stage.

    Matthew 6:6
    “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
    Matthew 6:5-7

    (Hope you’ll give me a “pass” on the Jesus stuff Steve, haha)

  3. Chris T Avatar
    Chris T

    I know my confidence has been badly shaken. Watching ideologues hold the country hostage for their own political gain was incredibly disturbing.

  4. Steve Broback Avatar

    What, did Obama suddenly leave office? Why wasn’t I told? I’m surprised the market wouldn’t have reacted positively.

    Speaking of fairies, when will the stimulus/multiplier pixie will finally deliver us that promised 8 percent unemployment? Two years and the clock is still ticking…,8599,1910208,00.html

  5. […] There are lots of other (remarkably contorted) explanations out there, but one of the stranger ones: the one-week, 17% dive starting when the deal happened was actually a result of equity investors […]

  6. Asymptosis Avatar

    Steve Broback :

    What, did Obama suddenly leave office? Why wasn’t I told? I’m surprised the market wouldn’t have reacted positively.

    Speaking of fairies, when will the stimulus/multiplier pixie will finally deliver us that promised 8 percent unemployment? Two years and the clock is still ticking…,8599,1910208,00.html

    Yeah they didn’t listen to their own people telling them they needed much more, so they overpromised and underdelivered. And to this day they won’t admit it. (Krugman’s been going on about that.)

    You’re actually (like me, here) arguing a counterfactual: “If they hadn’t done anything, things would be just the same as they are now.” I don’t know any way to resolve that — the eternal curse of economics as a “science,” you can’t rerun the experiment.

    I will point out, though, that all the major *private* analysts/forecasters (not academic, not government, not think-tank, the ones who live and die by their accuracy) — Goldman Sachs, Macroeconomic Advisors, Moody’s — all are unequivocal in saying that the stimulus was strongly stimulative. And they all say that lack of such stimulus was likely to have (here’s the counterfactual) resulted in a threshold/tipping-point effect, resulting in a really massive depression.

    But I guess everybody who thinks otherwise is smarter and better-informed than them.