Month: June 2010

  • Oh Woe, Alas and Alack, that “Credit Crunch.” Except…Not!

    Private Equity Firms Have Billions and Nowhere to Spend It I’ve mentioned this a few times before… The Sky Is Falling! Business Lending Down 1.2 Percent! Related posts: The So-Called Credit Crunch, Again Some More Should the Financial Sector Shrink? Bleg: Accounting for the Real Sector No Kidding: Loan Demand, Not Credit, Is the Problem…

  • Obama’s McMoment? McMaybe.

    Has anyone else noticed? McLellan. MacArthur. McChrystal. Makes me think of this post. As Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., argues in his 2004 book, “Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America,” the Scots-Irish are a particularly pugnacious people, self-reliant and hyper-individualistic, who place honor above profit. … Once Democrats, Webb says the Scots-Irish created the “core…