Month: October 2013

  • Congressional Republicans’ Approval Ratings in Freefall. Dems Hold Steady.

    I couldn’t resist following up on yesterday’s post with another polling outfit. Quinnipiac just came out with fresh numbers. Here’s net approval over the last five months: Currently: Negative 57% for the Pubs, compared to the Dems’ (still less than impressive) -28. Here’s the breakout: Highlight number: As of October 1, 74% of Americans disapprove of…

  • It’s Working: Pubs’ Polls Plummeting

    Give the Republicans enough rope and they’ll hang themselves? It seems to be working. Yeah, it looks like Dems have taken a hit from this whole business, as Republicans hoped they would. But like the debate in general, it’s very much not symmetrical. Combine this with the Pubs’ internal discord: are they reaching the point that…