Month: July 2014

  • The Reagan Revolution, In One Graph

    Years of >5% Growth: Pre-Reagan? 15 Post-Reagan? 5 Post-80s-recession-recovery? 2 Cross-posted at Angry Bear. Related posts: Repeat After Me: Low Taxes (on Rich People) and Economic Growth Are Not Correlated Now (Also) Blogging at Angry Bear You Gotta Give Reagan Credit David Beckworth Scott Sumner talks very good sense sometimes Marginal Rates and Economic Growth:…

  • Policy Prefs: I’m Right at the Peak of America’s Bell Curve. Where Are You?

    The idea of democracy is to give the people what they want, right? Ezra Klein points us to a great study by Ray LaRaja and Brian Schnaffer examining policy preferences by political donors (5% of the population) vs. non-donors (95%). Here’s my rendition of the results: Whose preferences would you say are embodied in our current government?…

  • The New Synthesis? Market Monetarists Meet New (and Post?) Keynesians on Helicopter Drops

    A a year or so back I highlighted David Beckworth’s great post on Helicopter Drops. And the world’s best econoblogger, Steve Randy Waldman, did as well. (A “fantastic post,” he said.) I’ve been pinging ever since to see a response to that post from Market Monetarist opinion-leader Scott Sumner. (AS SRW said, what we’d gotten from him…