Category: Favorites

  • Change Your Goddam Voice Mail Message! (Pass It On)

    Starting today, your outgoing voice mail message should start (and quite possibly end) with: Hi this is [insert your name here]. Press [star or pound] to leave a message. I probably don’t have to explain why. But I will. 1. Everybody hates waiting through your message, and they really hate waiting through the instructions on…

  • Delight and Abject Dismay on Richard Dawkins’ Birthday

    Another of those convergences: I just joined the Richard Dawkins group on Facebook, and discovered that today is his birthday. (Happy birthday sir!) It’s a convergence because over the last week I’ve been horribly dismayed. After decades of near hero-worship on my part, I’ve discovered that he is not acting as the man I’ve always…

  • Socialism and Prosperity: Does One Cause the Other?

    Regular readers will find me beating something of a dead horse here, but I felt it necessary to respond to a recent post by Bryan Caplan, who continues to speculate on the putative negative economic effects of “socialism.” >”Lots of developed countries have some significant socialistic elements,” … would be an understatement. Every developed country…

  • Want Prosperity and Stability? It’s About Wages and Salaries

    What caused the Great Depression? What caused the current…whatever it is? According to James Livingston, the roots of both lie in shares of income. When not enough people are getting not enough wages and salaries–and when a large share of income is derived from financial investments, not work–we’re in bubble land, and things fall apart.…