Tag: bailout

  • Gaming McCain’s Game

    Some people think the McCain bailout/debate maneuvering has positioned him to trap Obama: McCain's way out? – First Read – msnbc.com. So what if McCain shows up and tonight and says, ""I'm sorry I couldn't sign on to this Washington-Wall Street plan that I worried was putting an even bigger burden on taxpayers than this…

  • Paulson/Dodd Plan: Mankiw Stipulates to the Merits

    Greg Mankiw posted the views of a surrogate (his "smart friend") to dis the Paulson/Dodd bailout compromise (buy assets, get warrants/equity as well). His friend addresses the plan on its merits. But when David Leonhardt replied , also addressing the plan's central issues, Mankiw changes tack, arguing that it will screw up the auction process:…

  • Bailout: Dems Have the Smart Solution (Again)

    Very quickly here because I have to run out the door, you'll have to google for your own links: Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd has proposed an alternative to Hank Paulson's "just trust me" blank-check bailout proposal. Simply put: If Treasury (that means you and me) buys $1 worth of trash assets from a…