Tag: employment

  • Yeah, Right, The Recession’s Over

    We’ve been hearing more about “jobless recoveries” over the years, but it’s pretty profound how rapidly the trend is increasing. Calculated Risk: Months to Return to Full Employment 1981:  28 1990:  31 2001:  47 2007:  ?? This multi-decade trend suggests to me that there’s something secular and structural at play. I suggest this. Related posts:…

  • “Pro-Growth” Republicans. Debunked. Again. Some More.

    A while back I posted some comparative numbers for postwar economic indicators, Dems versus Pubs. Clear results for the clear-eyed. Brad Delong has even more. Just one here, for your delectation: How dare these people call themselves conservatives? Related posts: Conservative “Intellectual” “Ascendancy” Conservatives Love to Point Out that Personal Incentives Matter Pubs Don’t Cut…

  • Pro-Growth Republicans? Get Real

    Republicans like to claim that they’re the party of growth and prosperity. Even though all the facts say otherwise. I’ve pointed out repeatedly that when you compare a lot of developed countries over decades, you see that lower taxes and smaller government don’t result in faster growth. Tax cuts are an effective vote-buying political pander…