Tag: mortgage

  • The Man Who Shorted Subprime (Must Read)

    The End of Wall Street's Boom – National Business News – Print – Portfolio.com. Run don't walk to read this. It's gripping. About Steve Eisman, who started shorting every subprime play in sight back in 2005, while simultaneously proclaiming market insanity to anyone who would listen–in decidedly not-fit-to-print language. It's long, but you won't be…

  • How to Avoid Regulation: Smart Regulation

    Every economist agrees that regulation has the potential to stifle economic growth. But every economist also agrees that we need regulation to make markets efficient (and relatively stable). Given those two givens, free-market advocates should be jumping into the fray, proposing smart, targeted, easily manageable, surgical regulation, that obviates the need for heavy-handed, clunky, hard-to-manage…