Even Fox Sez McCain’s Lying About Taxes

Major Garrett:

McCain’s TV commercials
assailing Obama’s tax policy contain serious distortions, if not
out-right lies.

On Aug. 8, FactCheck.org, published this report on a spate of new McCain TV spots on Obama and taxes.

Read it here: www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/more_tax_deceptions.html

That report followed one in July that raised similar concerns about
the truthfulness of the McCain attacks on Obama. Read it here: www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/the_32000_question.html

And today The Washington Post published this blistering editorial
that comes as close as any Beltway publication can to using the word
“lie” to describe McCain’s criticism of Obama’s tax policies. Read it


The Post editorial specifically mentions a side-by-side analysis of
McCain and Obama tax policies by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center.
Here is the link to the center’s updated comparison posted on Aug. 28: www.taxpolicycenter.org/publications/url.cfm?ID=411750

Both McCain and Obama would cuts taxes, but Obama’s tax cuts would
be targeted to the middle class and partially offset by higher taxes on
the wealthy (those earning more than $250,000).

H/T: Economists for Obama



