One Completely False Statement in Superfreakonomics

Then there’s this little-discussed fact about global warming: While the drumbeat of doom has grown louder over the past several years, the average global temperature during that time has in fact decreased.

This “fact” is true…but only if you calculate forward from 1998–one of the two hottest years in history (2005 was hotter).

It’s not true if you calculate from 1997, or 1999, or any other year “over the past several years” except 2005.

It’s not true.

It’s childishly obvious statistical cherry picking, delivered by a man who has spent his professional life working with statistics.


You don’t need a statistician to figure out what’s going in this graph. But if you want some, the AP hired several:

Statisticians reject global cooling.

This all putting aside the fact that the purported “fact” is far from “little-discussed.” The wingnuts have been proclaiming it from the mountaintops for years. By pretending it is a fact, Levitt gives aid and comfort to the enemies of mankind.

The only explanations I can imagine for this incorrect statement are 1. intentional deception or 2. gross professional negligence.

Given the dismissive and contemptuous “drumbeat of doom” language, #1 becomes a more likely possibility.



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One response to “One Completely False Statement in Superfreakonomics”

  1. Steven Hales Avatar
    Steven Hales

    Anomaly generation is sensitive to base year selection. Using NCDC methods will give you a slightly different result in calculating decadal trends. NCDC has a warming bias and MSU trends are slightly lower. Correlation between the two series is .77 which shows that they are measuring different things. NCDC is measuring trends over the last century and MSU and all other anomaly measurements are measuring deviation from a more recent average which is thought to encompass significant historical warming and cooling trends that make up some of the natural variability of climate. If we look at the other anomaly measurements we find high correlation among them whether it is CRU or MSU or GISS. They are measuring the same things. They are showing that realtive to historical base year averages that significant warming has slowed and remained relatively flat for the past 10 years or so. I would not say that the staticians are wrong given the selection of the data set used but keep in mind that you could be looking at selection bias.
    Global Average Anomaly
    M – Y UAH NCDC
    Jan-79 -0.15 0.072
    Feb-79 -0.15 0.0436
    Mar-79 -0.14 0.1784
    Apr-79 -0.17 0.0376
    May-79 -0.16 0.0864
    Jun-79 -0.14 0.1507
    Jul-79 -0.04 0.1109
    Aug-79 -0.16 0.1412
    Sep-79 0.02 0.1698
    Oct-79 0.13 0.2142
    Nov-79 0.01 0.2122
    Dec-79 0.1 0.4219
    Jan-80 0.03 0.2107
    Feb-80 0.12 0.2506
    Mar-80 0.01 0.1677
    Apr-80 0.14 0.2593
    May-80 0.16 0.2548
    Jun-80 0.1 0.1954
    Jul-80 0.08 0.1476
    Aug-80 0.12 0.1376
    Sep-80 0.19 0.1395
    Oct-80 0.09 0.1083
    Nov-80 0.11 0.2504
    Dec-80 -0.07 0.1938
    Jan-81 0.12 0.3705
    Feb-81 0.17 0.2794
    Mar-81 0.13 0.3347
    Apr-81 0 0.2907
    May-81 0.05 0.2007
    Jun-81 -0.02 0.2148
    Jul-81 0.05 0.1571
    Aug-81 0.05 0.1787
    Sep-81 0.02 0.1251
    Oct-81 -0.01 0.1005
    Nov-81 -0.02 0.1347
    Dec-81 0.12 0.3541
    Jan-82 -0.11 0.0591
    Feb-82 -0.1 0.0752
    Mar-82 -0.25 0.0242
    Apr-82 -0.14 0.148
    May-82 -0.15 0.1259
    Jun-82 -0.1 0.0747
    Jul-82 -0.25 0.0957
    Aug-82 -0.19 0.0927
    Sep-82 -0.15 0.1508
    Oct-82 -0.23 0.1035
    Nov-82 -0.13 0.0863
    Dec-82 -0.01 0.3684
    Jan-83 0.12 0.4345
    Feb-83 -0.02 0.4089
    Mar-83 0.25 0.3448
    Apr-83 0.16 0.2309
    May-83 0.19 0.2529
    Jun-83 -0.08 0.2153
    Jul-83 0.13 0.2368
    Aug-83 0.06 0.258
    Sep-83 0.08 0.253
    Oct-83 -0.09 0.1586
    Nov-83 -0.04 0.3792
    Dec-83 -0.31 0.2069
    Jan-84 -0.32 0.1979
    Feb-84 -0.19 0.0895
    Mar-84 -0.12 0.1947
    Apr-84 -0.22 0.0906
    May-84 -0.04 0.2206
    Jun-84 -0.22 0.084
    Jul-84 -0.26 0.0815
    Aug-84 -0.2 0.1102
    Sep-84 -0.49 0.0624
    Oct-84 -0.19 0.0648
    Nov-84 -0.42 -0.0153
    Dec-84 -0.39 -0.1315
    Jan-85 -0.16 0.1014
    Feb-85 -0.22 -0.0511
    Mar-85 -0.13 0.1283
    Apr-85 -0.2 0.096
    May-85 -0.24 0.138
    Jun-85 -0.24 0.0707
    Jul-85 -0.37 0.0164
    Aug-85 -0.2 0.0665
    Sep-85 -0.2 0.0321
    Oct-85 -0.29 0.0662
    Nov-85 -0.15 0.0578
    Dec-85 -0.14 0.0952
    Jan-86 -0.03 0.2317
    Feb-86 -0.17 0.1795
    Mar-86 -0.15 0.2212
    Apr-86 -0.03 0.1963
    May-86 -0.04 0.1941
    Jun-86 -0.15 0.2046
    Jul-86 -0.18 0.12
    Aug-86 -0.23 0.1138
    Sep-86 -0.26 0.1056
    Oct-86 -0.26 0.1354
    Nov-86 -0.11 0.0887
    Dec-86 -0.14 0.1343
    Jan-87 0.14 0.2259
    Feb-87 0.19 0.4272
    Mar-87 -0.08 0.1767
    Apr-87 0.11 0.2455
    May-87 -0.04 0.2819
    Jun-87 0.15 0.2352
    Jul-87 0.12 0.3517
    Aug-87 0.03 0.3105
    Sep-87 0.05 0.3579
    Oct-87 0.21 0.2423
    Nov-87 0.09 0.2631
    Dec-87 0.36 0.4438
    Jan-88 0.27 0.4589
    Feb-88 0.03 0.2941
    Mar-88 0.22 0.4029
    Apr-88 0.06 0.3672
    May-88 0.1 0.3045
    Jun-88 0.1 0.3239
    Jul-88 0.19 0.2848
    Aug-88 0.16 0.2479
    Sep-88 0.28 0.2499
    Oct-88 0.12 0.2321
    Nov-88 -0.08 0.1615
    Dec-88 -0.13 0.2789
    Jan-89 -0.33 0.1296
    Feb-89 -0.18 0.2247
    Mar-89 -0.2 0.2646
    Apr-89 -0.11 0.1981
    May-89 -0.22 0.2124
    Jun-89 -0.21 0.2131
    Jul-89 -0.1 0.2411
    Aug-89 -0.06 0.2367
    Sep-89 0.06 0.228
    Oct-89 0.04 0.2289
    Nov-89 -0.07 0.1813
    Dec-89 0.07 0.3091
    Jan-90 0 0.2978
    Feb-90 -0.14 0.363
    Mar-90 0.1 0.6633
    Apr-90 0.01 0.4406
    May-90 0.1 0.3742
    Jun-90 0.1 0.3486
    Jul-90 0.05 0.2896
    Aug-90 0.02 0.3141
    Sep-90 0 0.2834
    Oct-90 0.13 0.3708
    Nov-90 0.32 0.4774
    Dec-90 0.22 0.4097
    Jan-91 0.13 0.3936
    Feb-91 0.17 0.4065
    Mar-91 0.29 0.2916
    Apr-91 0.13 0.4609
    May-91 0.17 0.3492
    Jun-91 0.34 0.4177
    Jul-91 0.2 0.3783
    Aug-91 0.22 0.3058
    Sep-91 0.07 0.2936
    Oct-91 -0.04 0.2625
    Nov-91 -0.1 0.258
    Dec-91 -0.12 0.2136
    Jan-92 -0.03 0.4147
    Feb-92 -0.13 0.4027
    Mar-92 -0.01 0.3656
    Apr-92 -0.18 0.2515
    May-92 -0.18 0.2858
    Jun-92 -0.19 0.231
    Jul-92 -0.33 0.0909
    Aug-92 -0.39 0.0769
    Sep-92 -0.35 0.028
    Oct-92 -0.13 0.0366
    Nov-92 -0.15 0.0058
    Dec-92 -0.22 0.2373
    Jan-93 -0.24 0.339
    Feb-93 -0.19 0.335
    Mar-93 -0.35 0.37
    Apr-93 -0.22 0.257
    May-93 -0.17 0.2743
    Jun-93 -0.06 0.2431
    Jul-93 -0.04 0.1963
    Aug-93 -0.18 0.1698
    Sep-93 -0.29 0.115
    Oct-93 -0.06 0.195
    Nov-93 -0.06 0.0726
    Dec-93 0.08 0.2011
    Jan-94 0.01 0.2327
    Feb-94 -0.13 0.0139
    Mar-94 -0.13 0.3217
    Apr-94 -0.05 0.327
    May-94 -0.06 0.3454
    Jun-94 0.06 0.3113
    Jul-94 0.04 0.2725
    Aug-94 -0.06 0.2591
    Sep-94 0.06 0.2674
    Oct-94 -0.13 0.3931
    Nov-94 0.14 0.4119
    Dec-94 0.12 0.3651
    Jan-95 0.13 0.5019
    Feb-95 0.08 0.669
    Mar-95 -0.02 0.4285
    Apr-95 0.21 0.3538
    May-95 0.07 0.2619
    Jun-95 0.13 0.4258
    Jul-95 0.1 0.3758
    Aug-95 0.28 0.4491
    Sep-95 0.23 0.3433
    Oct-95 0.11 0.3844
    Nov-95 0.15 0.3945
    Dec-95 -0.13 0.2994
    Jan-96 -0.09 0.2149
    Feb-96 0.1 0.3748
    Mar-96 0.08 0.2764
    Apr-96 -0.05 0.2284
    May-96 -0.11 0.3508
    Jun-96 -0.12 0.3126
    Jul-96 -0.01 0.2861
    Aug-96 0.12 0.2673
    Sep-96 0.15 0.2245
    Oct-96 0.08 0.2119
    Nov-96 0.12 0.2336
    Dec-96 0.01 0.3225
    Jan-97 -0.07 0.3231
    Feb-97 0.01 0.4007
    Mar-97 -0.03 0.437
    Apr-97 -0.21 0.4135
    May-97 -0.05 0.3996
    Jun-97 0 0.5037
    Jul-97 0.09 0.475
    Aug-97 0.1 0.4981
    Sep-97 0.09 0.5897
    Oct-97 0.14 0.6033
    Nov-97 0.2 0.5006
    Dec-97 0.31 0.5937
    Jan-98 0.58 0.5656
    Feb-98 0.76 0.8288
    Mar-98 0.53 0.606
    Apr-98 0.76 0.7107
    May-98 0.65 0.6311
    Jun-98 0.57 0.6407
    Jul-98 0.52 0.6981
    Aug-98 0.51 0.67
    Sep-98 0.43 0.5011
    Oct-98 0.39 0.4396
    Nov-98 0.19 0.3605
    Dec-98 0.29 0.5124
    Jan-99 0.17 0.4773
    Feb-99 0.3 0.6627
    Mar-99 0.02 0.3216
    Apr-99 0.05 0.4464
    May-99 -0.01 0.3785
    Jun-99 -0.13 0.4001
    Jul-99 0 0.3979
    Aug-99 -0.06 0.3618
    Sep-99 0.09 0.3624
    Oct-99 0.03 0.3575
    Nov-99 0.02 0.3303
    Dec-99 0.01 0.5418
    Jan-00 -0.19 0.2901
    Feb-00 0.08 0.4861
    Mar-00 0.06 0.4839
    Apr-00 0.11 0.6193
    May-00 0.1 0.4605
    Jun-00 0.04 0.3923
    Jul-00 -0.01 0.3762
    Aug-00 -0.05 0.4354
    Sep-00 0.08 0.4001
    Oct-00 0.06 0.2713
    Nov-00 0.1 0.1892
    Dec-00 0.05 0.2585
    Jan-01 0.1 0.4262
    Feb-01 0.24 0.3811
    Mar-01 0.16 0.6047
    Apr-01 0.25 0.5307
    May-01 0.24 0.5578
    Jun-01 0.04 0.5394
    Jul-01 0.14 0.5389
    Aug-01 0.31 0.5827
    Sep-01 0.13 0.4701
    Oct-01 0.24 0.472
    Nov-01 0.28 0.6459
    Dec-01 0.28 0.4579
    Jan-02 0.4 0.661
    Feb-02 0.41 0.7628
    Mar-02 0.38 0.7367
    Apr-02 0.3 0.536
    May-02 0.34 0.5375
    Jun-02 0.35 0.581
    Jul-02 0.3 0.5928
    Aug-02 0.24 0.5141
    Sep-02 0.28 0.5297
    Oct-02 0.18 0.4546
    Nov-02 0.35 0.5688
    Dec-02 0.25 0.4079
    Jan-03 0.48 0.6411
    Feb-03 0.4 0.5456
    Mar-03 0.22 0.5237
    Apr-03 0.2 0.4957
    May-03 0.24 0.5655
    Jun-03 0.06 0.5249
    Jul-03 0.18 0.5414
    Aug-03 0.17 0.5899
    Sep-03 0.23 0.6033
    Oct-03 0.35 0.7051
    Nov-03 0.32 0.5369
    Dec-03 0.47 0.6973
    Jan-04 0.37 0.5502
    Feb-04 0.43 0.6714
    Mar-04 0.45 0.6444
    Apr-04 0.2 0.559
    May-04 0.07 0.4311
    Jun-04 0.05 0.4694
    Jul-04 -0.12 0.4543
    Aug-04 0 0.4549
    Sep-04 0.15 0.491
    Oct-04 0.29 0.5626
    Nov-04 0.25 0.7244
    Dec-04 0.2 0.4775
    Jan-05 0.49 0.5644
    Feb-05 0.41 0.4455
    Mar-05 0.35 0.6517
    Apr-05 0.41 0.6703
    May-05 0.22 0.6221
    Jun-05 0.26 0.6578
    Jul-05 0.33 0.6417
    Aug-05 0.19 0.5819
    Sep-05 0.35 0.6574
    Oct-05 0.39 0.648
    Nov-05 0.4 0.682
    Dec-05 0.29 0.5534
    Jan-06 0.37 0.4024
    Feb-06 0.45 0.5429
    Mar-06 0.33 0.5277
    Apr-06 0.18 0.4588
    May-06 -0.01 0.4881
    Jun-06 0.16 0.6119
    Jul-06 0.21 0.5784
    Aug-06 0.26 0.5635
    Sep-06 0.27 0.594
    Oct-06 0.34 0.6324
    Nov-06 0.29 0.5856
    Dec-06 0.31 0.7137
    Jan-07 0.59 0.8137
    Feb-07 0.46 0.5858
    Mar-07 0.4 0.5976
    Apr-07 0.24 0.6707
    May-07 0.21 0.5069
    Jun-07 0.21 0.4709
    Jul-07 0.26 0.4715
    Aug-07 0.29 0.4794
    Sep-07 0.2 0.5382
    Oct-07 0.23 0.5107
    Nov-07 0.21 0.4716
    Dec-07 0.11 0.4285
    Jan-08 -0.05 0.2177
    Feb-08 0.03 0.346
    Mar-08 0.09 0.7062
    Apr-08 0.02 0.4297
    May-08 -0.18 0.4331
    Jun-08 -0.11 0.4826
    Jul-08 0.06 0.5083
    Aug-08 -0.01 0.4841
    Sep-08 0.16 0.4566
    Oct-08 0.16 0.6058
    Nov-08 0.25 0.5998
    Dec-08 0.18 0.48
    Jan-09 0.3 0.4962
    Feb-09 0.35 0.481
    Mar-09 0.21 0.5111
    Apr-09 0.09 0.5873
    May-09 0.05 0.5281
    Jun-09 0.01 0.6045
    Jul-09 0.42 0.5609
    Aug-09 0.23 0.6043
    Sep-09 0.42 0.6181